The second astronaut on the opening panel has been announced! Sara Sabry will join us for the Space Education Summit at 8:00 AM PDT on April 21st. You can register for free now.
Sara Sabry is the first person born in Egypt, and first from Africa, to fly to space. Sara earned her bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering with a minor in biology, chemistry, and pre-med at the American University in Cairo, going on to earn a master’s in biomedical engineering from the Politecnico di Milano. Fluent in Arabic, French, and English, Sara grew up in Cairo, and is founder of the non-profit Deep Space Initiative.
Sara was selected as Space for Humanity’s second Citizen Astronaut, and flew on Blue Origin’s NS-22 flight. She is also founder of the Deep Space Initiative, which is increasing accessibility and opportunity for space research all over the world. We look forward to hearing about her experience of the Overview Effect, and how we might best engage students in these exciting developments.
A FREE ONLINE event, the Space Education Summit features an opening panel with astronauts, four concurrent sessions in multiple strands, and a closing capstone session. Hosted by the Human Space Program, the summit focuses on helping more people experience the Overview Effect, benefit from it here on Earth, and become engaged in preparing for humanity’s rapidly approaching multi-planet future. See past sessions and hightlights on our YouTube Channel.
The event is produced in partnership with ARES Learning, EarthScape VR, Ignited Thinkers, and Celestial Citizen.
Learn more about the ARES Learning approach in the book Space Education: Preparing Students for Humanity's Multi-Planet Future by our co-founder Dr. Mark Wagner, and explore a complete Space Education Curriculum developed for high schools - it's a free and open education resource available to students, teachers, and enthusiasts everywhere.
Educators, sign up for online professional development based on the book and curriculum. And be sure to register for the FREE online Space Education Summit on April 21, 2023.