Flexible & Inspirational Learning Spaces
At ARES, our Learning Spaces reflect the culture of learning we espouse at the school. You won’t find teacher centered classrooms or websites; our students learn in highly effective collaborative workspaces. Whether it’s our face-to-face learning centers and maker spaces, our meeting spaces in Virtual Reality, or our online classes... we strive for spaces that are comfortable, beautiful, and flexible environments. Everything is designed to engage curiosity, wonder, and cadets’ natural physical energy.
It is important that our virtual learning spaces offer a seamless transition from the physical space. Even social distancing should not bring collaboration and creativity to a halt.
At ARES Learning, each cadet receives an Oculus Quest 2 VR headset to use for virtual collaboration, learning and design in our Spatial Classrooms.
These classrooms are customized to mimic the look and feel of a physical space that allows for the dynamic sharing of information and co-creation of huge ideas.
ARES Learning Center & Maker Space
ARES engages students with physical learning spaces that inspire them to design and build solutions to the greatest challenges of their day. The ARES Learning Center and the Urban Workshop provide students with the flexible spaces, in-person mentoring and the cutting edge tools of the modern economy necessary to be the explorers and creators of their own futures.

ARES Learning Center
Located in Irvine, CA, this hyper collaborative space allows students to work and learn comfortably. Outfitted with moveable furniture and cutting edge technology, the space adapts to student needs, abilities and ambitions. Here, students create their own learning spaces and take control of their education.
Urban Workshop Maker Space
When students come up with big ideas, they are going to need a big space to make them come true. Our partners at Urban Workshop host a 30,000 square foot maker space stocked with every manufacturing and design tool an ARES student could want. 3D printing prosthetic limbs? Want to build a car that runs on water? You can do that here.